turning 30Oh, woe unto the house of Errol!

I turned 30 on Wednesday. In proper badass fashion I celebrated with a pizza and watched the penultimate episode of Stargate: Universe with my wife and 17 month old son. No spoilers in the comments please! I'm hoping they crash destiny into the sea off the coast of San Fransisco like they did with Atlantis in SG:A.

Anyway, it has been awhile since a post here but I've been crazy busy with work lately. I have been doing some Carmageddon related stuff though, anyone else noticed that devWAM (CFE) has been smushed with the CWA? Yeah, that's my fault! Check it...

As Harmalarm suggested in the comments on my last post I think I'll do a couple of articles next, they require little in the way of work and it allows me to share some info with one and all. Then I'll try to get back into some of my stagnating projects. Errol out.4 comments12:00pm - Friday, October 7th, 2011 - Errol
Toshiba6:08pm - October 7th, 2011Oh ah. I missed your birthday uh?
Late happy birthday to you then.

Post more recipes. Who cares about Curmadgeon and stuff...
Harmalarm8:15pm - October 11th, 2011:o Happy 30!

The devWAM transfer didn't go unnoticed (how could it have) Thumbs up for that work. Next to that I guess we all suffer a bit from a tight agenda these days. I'm sure you can still surprise us though.

Now go and post some of that in depth super advanced fiddling documentation you have been working on! ;)
Harmalarm3:09pm - November 12th, 2011well I think you just have had enough time to party that birthday don't you think?

it's getting eerie and silent here... makes me sad... :( 'snif'
Rigor7:25pm - March 12th, 2012Are you dead?
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