almost there!Just a few UV problems to clean up and PSX Carma > Carma 2 map conversion is GO! Check it out...
4 comments11:35pm - Friday, July 22nd, 2011 - Errol
Razor12:39pm - July 23rd, 2011Looks great, Errol.
I bow down to you!
Mastre11:22pm - July 24th, 2011Fuck yeah!
Juozas7:33pm - July 27th, 2011Great project thar. I'm a way on it :)
Matt12:45pm - August 4th, 2011You so busy, but you so quiet. What gives!? You need a streamlined (sh)ort (i)n(t)erim update to make brief posts. Get updating or I can bodge it and post a phrase a day from irc to fill the void for you ;)

ps. I hate having to change browser just to post a comment, why no love for the security conscious modern man :(
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